Artists present at the 2000 Buskers Festival

Invited Artists

Group Country Style
Duo Resonante Denmark, The Netherlands world music
Kronwerk Brass Russia brass music
Hell's Kitchen Switzerland, Italy raw blues for the kitchen
Ginkobiloba Franceworld music
Band of Jakeys Scotland, Czech Rep., U.S.A. hillbilly, country, bluegrass
The Amsterdam Klezmer Band The Netherlands klezmer music
Tuna De Filosofìa Y Letras Spain traditional spanish music from Malaga
Quattrocelli Hungary classical, jazz, pop
Emergency Ghana, Denmark, U.S.A. soul, funk, reggae, funky jazz
Balafonie Switzerland original composizions
Trio Araguaney Columbia, Venezuela, Italy colombian and venezuelan ethnic music
The Ing Ongs Great Britain pop, swing, country, comedy
Laamasen Saha ja Pumppu Finland skiffle music
Spontaani Vire Finland folk music
Laurie Rasmussen U.S.A. celtic music
Sahaset Finland popular music
Aura Finland finnish traditional and contemporary music
Grupo Barravento Brasil samba de roda
Sfiatos Big Band Italy classical music, ragtime
Josy Nogueira & Elton Matos Brasil brasilian popular music

More information on the groups are available following the links to the Official Buskers Festival Home Page

This file was last modified on Wednesday, 23-Aug-2000 08:37:05 CEST by Mauro Orlandini

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