This page wants to be a very sketchy information page on Ferrara, a beautiful Italian mediaeval town located between Florence and Venice. It is very easily reachable by train, and is about 50 Km (30 miles) North of Bologna, on the Bologna-Venice route. It will take about half an hour to reach it from Bologna, and one hour and a half from Venice.
[A map of the town]

This is a map of the town, with its more important monuments and museums. This will be a clickable map, but for the momement, it is a picture by its own. Note the walls, very well conserved, the perimeter of which is about 12 Km (8 miles).

Time permitting, I will put more information on the town, so stay tuned for more information!!! Meanwhile, you can find more info at the Ferrara Terra e Acqua page.


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This file was last modified on Monday, 29-Mar-2004 15:46:06 CEST by Mauro Orlandini

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