GULP! 100 years of comics
A century of drawings, adventures and fantasies

Castello Estense
Ferrara - Italy
April 3 - June 30, 1996

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This is the announcement of an exhibition that will be held in Ferrara, Castello Estense (Estense Castle) from April to June 1996.

This show wants to celebrate the centenary of comics, that was born in the United States in 1896 with Yellow Kid, through its myths. With a chronological path through all the century, the visitor will meet all the best comics strips of every period.

The exhibition is set by 11 stations, though as boxes/islands, each of which will show the themes and feelings of each decade.

The most significant characters, about 400, will be shown by original drawings. It has been very difficult to find these works, because comics strips were not considered valuable, therefore they were destroyed after their use.

It is impossible to cite all the characters on exhibition, but among them there are Felix the Cat, Mickey Mouse, Betty Boop, Tintin in the 20s. Then there is the Adventure season with Dick Tracy, Secret Agent X-9, Mandrake, The Phantom, Flash Gordon, Superman, Batman.

In the 40s we have Steve Canyon and Captain America from the States. Lucky Luke and Black & Mortimer from Belgium, and Gim Toro, l'Asso di Picche, Tex Willer, Amok, Pecos Bill, Kinowa, Pantera Bionda from Italy.

Then we have all the characters we well know, as Blek and Miki, Dan Cooper and Michel Vailant, Dan Dare and Jeff Hawke, the Peanuts and Andy Capp, The Smurfs and Asterix, Cocco Bill and Tiramolla, the Marvel's SuperHeroes like Spider Man, Valentina and Corto Maltese, Barbarella and Diabolik, Mafalda and Sturmtruppen, Zagor and Mister No, Arzach and Conan, Doonesbury and Garfield, Lupo Alberto and La Pimpa, Mazinga and Lady Oscar.

The Exhibition

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How to reach the Exhibition

Important! While in Ferrara give a look at the Max Klinger Exhibition, on from March 17 to June 16, 1996

This file was last modified on Wednesday, 17-Apr-1996 11:57:46 CEST by Mauro Orlandini

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