World-Wide Web Access Statistics for the IASFBO Server: Gulp Show Page

Last updated: Sun, 01 Apr 2012 04:15:02 (GMT +0200)

Totals for Summary Period: Mar 31 2012 to Mar 1 2012

Files Transmitted During Summary Period             116
Bytes Transmitted During Summary Period          453275
Average Files Transmitted Daily                       4
Average Bytes Transmitted Daily                   15109

Daily Transmission Statistics

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Date
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------
 4.31  4.05        18341        5 | Mar 31 2012
 0.86  0.90         4091        1 | Mar 30 2012
 2.59  1.93         8733        3 | Mar 29 2012
 0.86  1.05         4761        1 | Mar 28 2012
 5.17  4.78        21678        6 | Mar 27 2012
 0.86  0.90         4091        1 | Mar 26 2012
 1.72  1.17         5305        2 | Mar 24 2012
 6.03  6.77        30703        7 | Mar 23 2012
 3.45  2.20         9954        4 | Mar 22 2012
 3.45  4.06        18422        4 | Mar 21 2012
 8.62  9.69        43904       10 | Mar 20 2012
 5.17  5.72        25946        6 | Mar 19 2012
 0.86  1.06         4791        1 | Mar 18 2012
 2.59  2.08         9450        3 | Mar 17 2012
 7.76  5.64        25574        9 | Mar 16 2012
 2.59  1.29         5864        3 | Mar 15 2012
 4.31  4.81        21825        5 | Mar 14 2012
 1.72  1.17         5322        2 | Mar 13 2012
 0.86  1.05         4761        1 | Mar 12 2012
 5.17  5.88        26639        6 | Mar 11 2012
 1.72  1.02         4642        2 | Mar 10 2012
 2.59  2.86        12963        3 | Mar  9 2012
 2.59  3.16        14336        3 | Mar  8 2012
 0.86  0.90         4091        1 | Mar  7 2012
 4.31  4.51        20455        5 | Mar  6 2012
 8.62 11.90        53922       10 | Mar  5 2012
 0.86  0.12          551        1 | Mar  4 2012
 3.45  2.98        13523        4 | Mar  3 2012
 0.86  0.90         4091        1 | Mar  2 2012
 5.17  5.42        24546        6 | Mar  1 2012

Hourly Transmission Statistics

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Time
----- ----- ------------ -------- |-----
 2.59  2.71        12273        3 |  00
 0.86  0.90         4091        1 |  01
 3.45  3.77        17067        4 |  02
 5.17  1.54         6998        6 |  03
 0.86  1.06         4790        1 |  04
 1.72  1.17         5286        2 |  05
 3.45  3.76        17049        4 |  06
 1.72  1.18         5363        2 |  07
 0.86  0.90         4091        1 |  08
 6.03  5.68        25765        7 |  09
 4.31  3.26        14773        5 |  10
 6.03  6.62        30002        7 |  11
 4.31  4.66        21126        5 |  12
 5.17  3.23        14628        6 |  13
 1.72  4.00        18142        2 |  14
 5.17  5.72        25916        6 |  15
 7.76  7.81        35389        9 |  16
 8.62 16.39        74287       10 |  17
 4.31  4.82        21835        5 |  18
 5.17  1.67         7550        6 |  19
 6.03  6.92        31370        7 |  20
 5.17  4.18        18938        6 |  21
 6.03  6.01        27262        7 |  22
 3.45  2.05         9284        4 |  23

Total Transfers by Client Domain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Domain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
 0.86  1.05         4778        1 | at    Austria 
 3.45  3.61        16364        4 | au    Australia 
 5.17  5.73        25952        6 | br    Brazil 
 0.86  1.06         4794        1 | ca    Canada 
 1.72  1.96         8863        2 | ch    Switzerland (Confoederatio Helvetica) 
 1.72  1.81         8182        2 | cz    Czech Republic 
 1.72  1.81         8182        2 | de    Germany (Deutschland) 
 3.45  2.99        13547        4 | gr    Greece 
 0.86  1.05         4775        1 | il    Israel 
 0.86  1.06         4790        1 | io    British Indian Ocean Territory 
25.00 23.56       106790       29 | it    Italy 
 7.76 11.77        53371        9 | ru    Russia 
 1.72  2.11         9552        2 | uk    United Kingdom 
 8.62  9.33        42288       10 | com    Commercial 
 5.17  8.23        37284        6 | net    Network 
 3.45  4.21        19088        4 | org    Organization 
27.59 18.68        84675       32 | unresolved 

Total Transfers by Reversed Subdomain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Reversed Subdomain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
 0.86  1.05         4761        1 |
 0.86  0.12          551        1 |
 1.72  1.81         8182        2 |
 1.72  0.24         1102        2 |
 0.86  0.12          551        1 |
 0.86  1.05         4762        1 |
 0.86  0.12          551        1 |
 1.72  1.81         8182        2 |
 0.86  0.90         4091        1 |
 2.59  2.71        12273        3 |
 0.86  0.12          551        1 |
 0.86  0.12          551        1 |
 0.86  0.12          551        1 |
 0.86  1.05         4761        1 |
 0.86  0.90         4091        1 |
 0.86  0.90         4091        1 |
 0.86  0.12          551        1 |
 0.86  0.12          551        1 |
 0.86  1.05         4761        1 |
 0.86  0.90         4091        1 |
 1.72  1.81         8182        2 |
 0.86  1.05         4759        1 |
 0.86  0.12          551        1 |
 0.86  0.12          551        1 |
 0.86  0.12          525        1 |
 0.86  0.12          551        1 |
 0.86  1.05         4778        1 |
 0.86  0.90         4091        1 |
 0.86  0.90         4091        1 |
 1.72  1.81         8182        2 |
 0.86  0.90         4091        1 |
 2.59  3.02        13679        3 |
 1.72  1.81         8182        2 |
 0.86  1.06         4794        1 |
 0.86  0.90         4091        1 | ch.hispeed.dynamic
 0.86  1.05         4772        1 | ch.ti
 0.86  0.90         4091        1 | com.eastern-tele.service.ids.115.85.27
 0.86  1.05         4776        1 | com.kimsufi
 2.59  2.71        12273        3 | com.mchsi.client
 0.86  1.06         4784        1 |
 1.72  1.81         8182        2 | com.rcn.cable.ny.nyr-nyw.nyw-ubr1.c3-0
 0.86  0.90         4091        1 |
 0.86  0.90         4091        1 |
 1.72  1.81         8182        2 |
 0.86  0.90         4091        1 | de.glatz
 0.86  0.90         4091        1 | de.unitymediagroup
 1.72  1.18         5365        2 | gr.otenet.home
 1.72  1.81         8182        2 | gr.tellas.63.242.109
 0.86  1.05         4775        1 |
 0.86  1.06         4790        1 | io.bigv.uk0.pokusn.default
 0.86  0.90         4091        1 | it.fastwebnet.ip
 0.86  0.90         4091        1 | it.fastwebnet.ip33
 0.86  0.90         4091        1 |
 0.86  0.90         4091        1 |
 0.86  1.06         4802        1 |
 0.86  0.90         4091        1 | it.telecomitalia.retail.1-79-r
 0.86  0.90         4091        1 | it.telecomitalia.retail.5-87-r
 0.86  0.90         4091        1 | it.telecomitalia.retail.55-79-r
 1.72  1.81         8182        2 | it.telecomitalia.retail.9-79-r
 3.45  3.61        16364        4 | it.teletu.dsl.cust
12.93 10.77        48805       15 | it.tiscali.clienti
 0.86  1.05         4782        1 | net.as43234
 0.86  1.05         4780        1 | net.gameservers
 0.86  2.95        13361        1 | net.kyivstar.broadband
 0.86  1.05         4781        1 |
 1.72  2.11         9580        2 | net.shentel.blacksburg.ntc
 0.86  1.05         4771        1 | org.adams12
 1.72  2.11         9554        2 | org.centralplumbing
 0.86  1.05         4763        1 | org.crsd
 0.86  0.90         4091        1 | ru.hcn-strela
 6.90 10.87        49280        8 |
 1.72  2.11         9552        2 |

Total Transfers from each Archive Section

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Archive Section
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
27.59 33.75       152963       32 | /~mauro/Gulp/
 1.72  0.58         2646        2 | /~mauro/Gulp/Admin/
 3.45 10.35        46924        4 | /~mauro/Gulp/Admin/Apr.wwwstats.html
 0.86  2.95        13361        1 | /~mauro/Gulp/Admin/May.wwwstats.html
47.41 49.64       225005       55 | /~mauro/Gulp/castle.html
 3.45  0.51         2332        4 | Code 403 Forbidden Requests
15.52  2.22        10044       18 | Code 404 Not Found Requests

This summary was generated by wwwstat-1.0

This file was last modified on Sunday, 01-Apr-2012 04:15:02 CEST by Mauro Orlandini

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