World-Wide Web Access Statistics for the IASFBO Server: Gulp Show Page

Last updated: Mon, 07 May 2012 04:15:02 (GMT +0200)

Totals for Summary Period: May 3 2012 to May 1 2012

Files Transmitted During Summary Period              34
Bytes Transmitted During Summary Period          233410
Average Files Transmitted Daily                      11
Average Bytes Transmitted Daily                   77803

Daily Transmission Statistics

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Date
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------
26.47 12.50        29186        9 | May  3 2012
35.29 41.49        96834       12 | May  2 2012
38.24 46.01       107390       13 | May  1 2012

Hourly Transmission Statistics

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Time
----- ----- ------------ -------- |-----
23.53 14.62        34120        8 |  00
14.71  8.76        20441        5 |  01
 2.94  1.75         4091        1 |  02
 2.94  5.72        13361        1 |  04
 5.88  3.51         8182        2 |  08
 2.94  2.05         4784        1 |  10
 5.88  3.80         8867        2 |  13
 8.82  0.80         1863        3 |  15
 2.94  1.75         4091        1 |  17
29.41 57.24       133610       10 |  22

Total Transfers by Client Domain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Domain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
 2.94  2.05         4783        1 | ar    Argentina 
 2.94  1.75         4091        1 | bo    Bolivia 
 2.94  1.75         4091        1 | br    Brazil 
 2.94  2.05         4784        1 | de    Germany (Deutschland) 
 8.82  5.26        12273        3 | it    Italy 
 8.82  5.86        13669        3 | jp    Japan 
 2.94  2.05         4788        1 | tr    Turkey 
29.41 57.24       133610       10 | ua    Ukraine 
 2.94  2.05         4782        1 | za    South Africa (Zuid Afrika) 
 5.88  0.83         1944        2 | com    Commercial 
11.76  4.33        10109        4 | net    Network 
17.65 14.77        34486        6 | unresolved 

Total Transfers by Reversed Subdomain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Reversed Subdomain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
17.65 14.77        34486        6 | Unresolved
 2.94  2.05         4783        1 |
 2.94  1.75         4091        1 | bo.vnet
 2.94  1.75         4091        1 |
 2.94  0.27          621        1 | com.webair
 2.94  0.57         1323        1 | com.wowrack
 2.94  2.05         4784        1 | de.t-ipconnect.dip0
 5.88  3.51         8182        2 |
 2.94  1.75         4091        1 |
 2.94  1.75         4091        1 |
 2.94  2.05         4786        1 |
 2.94  2.05         4792        1 | jp.or.plala.ap.a001.s41
 2.94  1.75         4091        1 |
 2.94  2.05         4776        1 | net.midco
 2.94  0.27          621        1 | net.server-cowboy
 2.94  0.27          621        1 | net.site60
 2.94  2.05         4788        1 |
29.41 57.24       133610       10 |
 2.94  2.05         4782        1 |

Total Transfers from each Archive Section

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Archive Section
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
23.53 16.39        38252        8 | /~mauro/Gulp/
 2.94  0.57         1323        1 | /~mauro/Gulp/Admin/
32.35 62.97       146971       11 | /~mauro/Gulp/Admin/May.wwwstats.html
32.35 19.28        45001       11 | /~mauro/Gulp/castle.html
 8.82  0.80         1863        3 | Code 404 Not Found Requests

This summary was generated by wwwstat-1.0

This file was last modified on Monday, 07-May-2012 04:15:02 CEST by Mauro Orlandini

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