Previous: In progress research
- 1
Baroni L., Callegari G., Fortini P., Gualdi C., and Orlandini M.
Theoretical Problems on Electromagnetic Detectors of Gravitational
In Proceedings of the IV Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General
Relativity, Ruffini R., editor, page 641. Elsevier Science Pub.,
- 2
Baroni L., Callegari G., Fortini P., and Orlandini M.
Interaction between Gravitational Waves and Electromagnetic Fields.
In Atti del VI Convegno Nazionale di Relativitá Generale e
Fisica della Gravitazione, Fabbri R. and Modugno M., editors, page 261.
Pitagora Editore, Bologna.
- 3
Buccella F., Gualdi C., and Orlandini M.
Neutron--Antineutron Oscillations in Neutron Stars.
Nuovo Cimento, B100, 809.
- 4
Cusumano G., Robba N.R., Orlandini M., Dal Fiume F., and Frontera F.
X--ray timing and spectral measurements of the X--ray pulsar 4U
In Proc. 23
ESLAB Symposium on Two Topics in X--ray
Astronomy. 1. X--ray Binaries, page 369. ESA Publications Division,
- 5
Dal Fiume D., Frontera F., Nicastro L., Orlandini M., and Trifoglio M.
The data analysis system for the PDS detector on board the SAX
In Proceedings of the IV ADASS Symposium, ASP Conference
Series, Shaw R.A., Payne H.E., and Hayes J.J.E., editors, page 387.
Astronomical Society of Pacific.
- 6
Dal Fiume D., Frontera F., Nicastro L., Orlandini M., Trifoglio M., Forlanelli
G., Iavarone S., Poulsen J.M., and Butler R.C.
The on-ground acquisition and data analysis system for the PDS
detector on board the SAX satellite.
Proceedings of the Seventh GIFCO Congress, October 26-28, Rimini,
Italy. To be published on a special issue of Nuovo Cimento.
- 7
Dal Fiume D., Frontera F., Nicastro L., Orlandini M., Trifoglio M., Forlanelli
G., Iavarone S., Poulsen J.M., and Butler R.C.
The data acquisition and the analysis system for the ground tests
and calibrations of the PDS detector on board the SAX satellite.
Proceeding of the 1994 Meeting of the AAS High Energy Astrophysics
Division, ``The Multi-Mission Perspective'', november 1-5, Napa Valley,
- 8
Dal Fiume D., Frontera F., Orlandini M., and Nicastro L.
Properties of X--ray pulsars at high energies.
Proceeding of the LXXX Meeting of Italian Physics Society, september
26, Lecce, Italy.
- 9
Dal Fiume D., Frontera F., Orlandini M., and Trifoglio M.
The Calibration Data Archive and Analysis System for PDS, the High
Energy Instrument on board the SAX Satellite.
In Proceedings of the III ADASS Symposium, ASP Conference
Series, Vol. 61, Crabtree D.R., Hanish R.J., and Barnes J., editors, page
395. Astronomical Society of Pacific.
- 10
Flores G. and Orlandini M.
Comparison between the Fermi Normal and the Transverse--Traceless
Coordinate System.
Nuovo Cimento, B91, 236.
- 11
Frontera F., Butler R.C., Costa E., Dal Fiume D., Feroci M., Nicastro L.,
Orlandini M., and Zavattini G.
High-energy instrument PDS aboard the SAX satellite: on-ground
calibration results and experiment performance.
In X-Ray and EUV/FUV Spectroscopy and Polarimetry, Proceedings
of the SPIE's 40th Annual Meeting, Fineschi S., editor, page 249. SPIE
Proceeding Series Vol 2517.
- 12
Frontera F., Cinti M.N., Dal Fiume D., Landini G., Nicastro L., Orlandini M.,
Zavattini G., Costa E., Schreiner R.S., Rosza C.M., Raby P.S., White J.,
Chiaverini V., Monzani F., Poulsen J.M., and Suetta E.
On-ground performance tests of the SAX/PDS detector.
Proceedings of the Seventh GIFCO Congress, October 26-28, Rimini,
Italy. To be published on a special issue of Nuovo Cimento.
- 13
Frontera F., Costa E., Dal Fiume F., Feroci M., Nicastro L., Orlandini M., and
Zavattini G.
Performance of the SAX/PDS high energy X--ray telescope.
In Proceedings of the XXIV International Cosmic Ray
Conference, page 41.
August 28--September 8, Rome, Italy.
- 14
Orlandini M.
Some Astrophysical Consequences Due to the Existence of Magnetic
Acta Physica Hungarica, 64, 339.
- 15
Orlandini M.
Vela X--1 and its missing third harmonic.
MNRAS, 264, 181.
- 16
Orlandini M. and Boldt E.
On the observability of microsecond temporal structure in the
emission from X--ray binary pulsars.
ApJ, 419, 776.
- 17
Orlandini M. and Boldt E.
Microsecond Temporal Structure from X--ray Binary Pulsars:
Observability with XTE.
In AIP Conference Proceeding #308. Fourth Annual Maryland
Astrophysics Conference: The Evolution of X--ray binaries, Bolt S.S. and
Day C.S., editors, page 557. American Institute of Physics.
- 18
Orlandini M. and Boldt E.
Observability with XTE of Microsecond Temporal Structure from X--ray
Binary Pulsars.
Proceeding of the 1994 Meeting of the AAS High Energy Astrophysics
Division, ``The Multi-Mission Perspective'', november 2-5, Napa Valley,
- 19
Orlandini M. and Morfill G.E.
On the power spectra of the wind-fed X--ray binary pulsar GX 301-2.
ApJ, 386, 703.
- 20
Orlandini M. and Swank J.H.
Temporal Analysis of the Wind-Fed X--Ray Binary Pulsar Vela X--1
Observed by HEAO 1--A2.
- 21
Robba N.R., Cusumano G., Orlandini M., Dal Fiume F., and Frontera F.
EXOSAT observations of the X--ray binary pulsar 4U 1538--52.
ApJ, 401, 685.
Mauro Orlandini
Mon Apr 1 12:44:51 MET DST 1996