Paul Gauguin and the Russian Avantgarde
Palazzo dei Diamanti
Corso Ercole I d'Este 21 - Ferrara (Italy)
April 1 - July 2, 1995
Please give a look at the pages about other shows held in Ferrara:
Max Klinger - The Exhibition and
GULP! 100 years of comics.
The show has now closed down, and it was really a success, with more than
200,000 visitors. The old announcement of the show
is still available.
You are the guest to visit the show.
If you liked the presentation (or even if you don't...) please
leave a note on
the Guest Book.
If you are curious, you can give a look at the Guest
Book of the Gauguin Exhibition, and have an idea on how many people
visited this page from the access statistics for the
You can give a look at the awards this page
gained during the years (sorry but some links are dead).
I set up a
graphic page of the exhibition. It contains
thumbnail images of all the 59 pictures on display. It could take a
while lo load the page, so...
IMPORTANT! The thumbnail images are put in a <Table>
environment, so only browers that support it are likely to show them.
Gauguin's Works on Exhibition
- Cafe in Arles, 1888, oil on canvas, The
Puskin Museum of Fine Arts.
- Te Tiare Farani (The Flowers of France), 1891,
oil on canvas, The Puskin Museum of Fine Arts.
- Les Parau Parau (Conversation), 1891, oil on
canvas, The State Ermitage Museum.
- Fatata te Mouà (At the foot of a mountain),
1892, oil on canvas, The State Ermitage Museum.
- Matamoe (Landscape with Peacocks), 1892,
oil on canvas, The Puskin Museum of Fine Arts.
- Tahitian Pastorals, 1893, oil on canvas,
The State Ermitage Museum.
- Eu Haere Ia Oe (Woman with a fruit), 1893,
oil on canvas, The State Ermitage Museum.
- Nave Nave Moe (Sweet Deams), 1894,
oil on canvas, The State Ermitage Museum.
- Te Vaà (Tahitian Family), 1896,
oil on canvas, The State Ermitage Museum.
- Landscape with two goats, 1897, oil on
canvas, The State Ermitage Museum.
- The big Buddha, 1899, oil on canvas, The
Puskin Museum of Fine Arts.
- Three Women on a yellow board, 1899, oil on
canvas, The State Ermitage Museum.
- Still life with parrots, 1902, The Puskin
Museum of Fine Arts.
- Still life with fruits, 1888, The Puskin
Museum of Fine Arts.
- Her name is Vairanauti, 1892, oil on
canvas, The Puskin Museum of Fine Arts.
- Aha Oe Feii? (Are you jealous?), 1892, oil
on canvas, The Puskin Museum of Fine Arts.
- Self Portrait, 1890-93, oil on
canvas, The Puskin Museum of Fine Arts.
- Te Arii Vahine (The Queen), 1896, oil on
canvas, The Puskin Museum of Fine Arts.
- Bè Bè (Nativity), 1896, oil on
canvas, The State Ermitage Museum.
- Scenes of Tahitian life, 1896, oil on
canvas, The State Ermitage Museum.
- Eiaha Ohipa (Tahitian in a room), 1896, oil
on canvas, The Puskin Museum of Fine Arts.
- Man Packing fruit from a tree, 1897, oil on
canvas, The State Ermitage Museum.
- Rave Te Hiti Aamu (The Idol), 1898, oil on
canvas, The State Ermitage Museum.
- Matherhood, 1899, oil on canvas, The State
Ermitage Museum.
- Ruperupe (Picking fruit), 1899, oil
on canvas, The Puskin Museum of Fine Arts.
- Te Avae No Maria (The Month of Mary),
1899, oil on canvas, The State Ermitage Museum.
- Tahitian landscape, 1899, oil on canvas, The
Puskin Museum of Fine Arts.
- The Ford (The flight), 1901, oil on canvas, The
Puskin Museum of Fine Arts.
- Sunflowers, 1901, oil on canvas, The State
Ermitage Museum.
- Bathers, 1887, oil on canvas, Museo Nacional
de Bellas Artes (Buenos Aires).
- The Brittany bathers, 1889, lithography, The State
Ermitage Museum.
- Te Po (The big night), 1893-94, xilography,
The Puskin Museum of Fine Arts.
- Manao Tupapao (She thinks to ghosts),
1893-94, xilography, The Puskin Museum of Fine Arts.
- Nave Nave Fenua (Beautiful Land), 1894, color
xilography, The State Ermitage Museum.
- Maruru (Gratitude), 1894, color xilography,
The State Ermitage Museum.
- Tahitian children, 1894-95, lithography, The
Puskin Museum of Fine Arts.
- Te Atua (Divinity) - Recto, 1898-99,
xilography, The Puskin Museum of Fine Arts.
- Te Atua (Divinity) - Verso, 1898-99,
xilography, The Puskin Museum of Fine Arts.
- D'où venons-nous? Que sommes-nous? Où
allons-nous? (From where we come? What we are? Where we go?), 1898,
pencil drawing, Musèe National des Arts d'Afrique et d'Ocèanie
- Two small Brettons, 1889, pencil drawing,
Musèe National des Arts d'Afrique et d'Ocèanie (Paris).
- Human miseries, 1889, lithography,
Bibliothèque d'Art et Archèologie (Paris).
- Mahana No Varua Ino (The devil talks), 1891-94
ca, xilography, Musèe National des Arts d'Afrique et
d'Ocèanie (Paris).
- Manao Tupapao, 1894, xilography, Musèe
National des Arts d'Afrique et d'Ocèanie (Paris).
- Manao Tupapao - Think to the deads, 1894,
xilography, Musèe National des Arts d'Afrique et d'Ocèanie
- Manao Tupapao - femme Maorie, 1894,
xilography, Musèe National des Arts d'Afrique et d'Ocèanie
- Te Faruru (Here you can make love), 1894,
xilography, Bibliothèque d'Art et Archèologie (Paris).
- Auti Te Pape (Women at the river), 1894,
xilography, Musèe National des Arts d'Afrique et d'Ocèanie
- The Universe is being created, 1894,
xilography, Bibliothèque d'Art et Archèologie (Paris).
- Te Po (The big night), 1894, xilography,
Musèe National des Arts d'Afrique et d'Ocèanie (Paris).
- Nativity - Recto, 1902 ca,
xilography, Musèe National des Arts d'Afrique et d'Ocèanie
- Nativity - Verso, 1902 ca,
xilography, Musèe National des Arts d'Afrique et d'Ocèanie
- Oviri (Wild), 1895, xilography, Musèe
National des Arts d'Afrique et d'Ocèanie (Paris).
- Oviri (Wild), 1895, bronze, Private
collection (Tolose).
- Idole à la perle, 1892 ca, bronze,
Private collection (Tolose).
- Idole à la coquille, 1892 ca, bronze,
Private collection (Tolose).
- Hina, 1892 ca, bronze,
Private collection (Tolose).
- Teha 'Amana, 1892 ca, bronze,
Private collection (Tolose).
- Hina and Fatou, 1892 ca, bronze,
Private collection (Tolose).
- Stèle au Christ, 1894-1896, bronze,
Private collection (Tolose).
This file was last modified on
Wednesday, 02-Feb-2000 18:19:20 CET
by Mauro Orlandini
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