World-Wide Web Access Statistics for the IASFBO Server: Gauiguin Exhibition Page

Last updated: Thu, 01 Sep 2011 03:00:03 (GMT +0200)

Totals for Summary Period: Aug 31 2011 to Aug 1 2011

Files Transmitted During Summary Period             150
Bytes Transmitted During Summary Period         1037676
Average Files Transmitted Daily                       5
Average Bytes Transmitted Daily                   33473

Daily Transmission Statistics

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Date
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------
 2.00  1.74        18077        3 | Aug 31 2011
 6.00  6.69        69450        9 | Aug 30 2011
 1.33  1.00        10342        2 | Aug 29 2011
 1.33  1.08        11162        2 | Aug 28 2011
 2.00  2.67        27714        3 | Aug 27 2011
 1.33  1.00        10388        2 | Aug 26 2011
 6.00  5.34        55370        9 | Aug 25 2011
 6.00  4.70        48810        9 | Aug 24 2011
 0.67  0.95         9817        1 | Aug 23 2011
 2.67  2.00        20770        4 | Aug 22 2011
 2.00  1.78        18448        3 | Aug 21 2011
16.00 21.72       225367       24 | Aug 20 2011
 9.33  5.39        55883       14 | Aug 19 2011
 4.67  3.95        40989        7 | Aug 18 2011
 3.33  1.89        19584        5 | Aug 17 2011
 2.67  2.86        29631        4 | Aug 16 2011
 3.33  2.61        27053        5 | Aug 15 2011
 2.67  2.89        30002        4 | Aug 14 2011
 2.00  2.67        27714        3 | Aug 13 2011
 0.67  0.95         9817        1 | Aug 12 2011
 3.33  2.95        30569        5 | Aug 11 2011
 4.67  4.43        46012        7 | Aug 10 2011
 1.33  0.84         8665        2 | Aug  9 2011
 0.67  0.95         9817        1 | Aug  8 2011
 0.67  0.95         9817        1 | Aug  7 2011
 1.33  1.89        19634        2 | Aug  6 2011
 2.67  3.78        39268        4 | Aug  5 2011
 3.33  4.73        49085        5 | Aug  4 2011
 1.33  1.89        19634        2 | Aug  3 2011
 2.67  2.69        27894        4 | Aug  2 2011
 2.00  1.05        10893        3 | Aug  1 2011

Hourly Transmission Statistics

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Time
----- ----- ------------ -------- |-----
 4.67  4.43        45940        7 |  00
 1.33  1.89        19634        2 |  01
 1.33  1.89        19634        2 |  02
 1.33  1.00        10368        2 |  03
 2.67  3.45        35794        4 |  04
 8.67  8.06        83669       13 |  05
 1.33  1.89        19634        2 |  06
 2.67  2.73        28285        4 |  07
16.00 22.92       237863       24 |  08
 2.00  2.84        29451        3 |  09
 4.00  3.89        40370        6 |  10
 3.33  2.87        29811        5 |  11
 3.33  4.73        49085        5 |  12
 2.67  1.83        19007        4 |  13
 3.33  1.81        18823        5 |  14
 2.67  3.13        32530        4 |  15
 2.67  1.96        20339        4 |  16
 6.00  3.85        39965        9 |  17
 2.67  2.72        28265        4 |  18
10.00  6.62        68683       15 |  19
 4.67  3.05        31689        7 |  20
 4.00  4.78        49636        6 |  21
 4.67  4.63        48079        7 |  22
 4.00  3.00        31122        6 |  23

Total Transfers by Client Domain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Domain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
 6.67  6.28        65187       10 | au    Australia 
 5.33  4.49        46597        8 | bg    Bulgaria 
 0.67  0.78         8080        1 | br    Brazil 
 4.67  6.62        68719        7 | de    Germany (Deutschland) 
 1.33  1.41        14633        2 | it    Italy 
 0.67  0.95         9817        1 | jp    Japan 
 2.00  1.78        18482        3 | kr    South Korea 
 0.67  0.95         9817        1 | lu    Luxembourg 
 0.67  0.95         9817        1 | mx    Mexico 
 2.00  2.84        29451        3 | nl    Netherlands 
 1.33  1.89        19634        2 | ru    Russia 
 5.33  6.40        66377        8 | se    Sweden 
 0.67  0.95         9817        1 | sk    Slovakia 
26.00 31.08       322545       39 | com    Commercial 
 6.00  8.51        88353        9 | net    Network 
 3.33  4.73        49085        5 | org    Organization 
 1.33  0.96         9997        2 | info  Information 
31.33 18.43       191268       47 | unresolved 

Total Transfers by Reversed Subdomain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Reversed Subdomain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
 0.67  0.95         9817        1 |
 0.67  0.05          551        1 |
 0.67  0.06          585        1 |
 0.67  0.06          585        1 |
 0.67  0.06          585        1 |
 0.67  0.95         9817        1 |
 2.67  2.00        20752        4 |
 0.67  0.05          525        1 |
 0.67  0.05          551        1 |
 1.33  1.89        19634        2 |
 0.67  0.02          180        1 |
 0.67  0.05          551        1 |
 0.67  0.78         8080        1 |
 0.67  0.03          336        1 |
 0.67  0.05          551        1 |
 1.33  0.10         1086        2 |
 0.67  0.95         9817        1 |
 1.33  1.89        19634        2 |
 0.67  0.95         9817        1 |
 0.67  0.06          571        1 |
 0.67  0.05          525        1 |
 2.00  1.95        20185        3 |
 0.67  0.05          551        1 |
 0.67  0.95         9817        1 |
 0.67  0.95         9817        1 |
 0.67  0.95         9817        1 |
 0.67  0.05          551        1 |
 0.67  0.06          585        1 |
 0.67  0.05          551        1 |
 0.67  0.95         9817        1 |
 0.67  0.05          525        1 |
 0.67  0.95         9817        1 |
 0.67  0.05          551        1 |
 1.33  0.18         1896        2 |
 0.67  0.05          551        1 |
 0.67  0.05          551        1 |
 0.67  0.06          585        1 |
 0.67  0.05          551        1 |
 5.33  4.39        45553        8 |
 1.33  1.89        19634        2 |
 5.33  4.49        46597        8 | bg.spectrumnet
 0.67  0.78         8080        1 |
12.67 19.25       199781       19 | com.2dayhost
 2.00  2.84        29451        3 | com.kimsufi
 4.00  2.30        23874        6 | com.mojeek
 0.67  0.95         9817        1 | com.quadaenterprises
 2.00  0.05          540        3 |
 1.33  1.89        19634        2 | com.scoutjet
 0.67  0.95         9817        1 | com.startdedicated
 0.67  0.95         9817        1 | com.virginmedia.cable.croy
 0.67  0.95         9817        1 | com.websense.vpn
 0.67  0.95         9817        1 | com.wowrack
 0.67  0.02          180        1 | com.xlhost.static.b6.95
 0.67  0.95         9817        1 | de.t-ipconnect.dip0
 4.00  5.68        58902        6 | de.your-server.clients.
 1.33  0.96         9997        2 | info.zpamz
 1.33  1.41        14633        2 | it.fastwebnet.ip
 0.67  0.95         9817        1 | jp.or.asahi-net.ppp
 2.00  1.78        18482        3 |
 0.67  0.95         9817        1 | lu.circl
 0.67  0.95         9817        1 |
 4.00  5.68        58902        6 | net.midco
 0.67  0.95         9817        1 | net.perfora.lxa
 0.67  0.95         9817        1 | net.sbcglobal.emhril.dsl
 0.67  0.95         9817        1 | net.turnkeyinternet.static
 1.33  1.89        19634        2 | nl.onsneteindhoven
 0.67  0.95         9817        1 |
 3.33  4.73        49085        5 | org.serverdeals.clients.960
 0.67  0.95         9817        1 | ru.corbina.broadband
 0.67  0.95         9817        1 | ru.rinet.ln
 2.67  3.11        32320        4 | se.tdc.addr.22.106.131
 1.33  1.72        17897        2 | se.tdc.addr.4.106.131
 0.67  0.78         8080        1 | se.tdc.addr.5.106.131
 0.67  0.78         8080        1 | se.tdc.addr.7.106.131
 0.67  0.95         9817        1 | sk.t-com.95-102-74

Total Transfers from each Archive Section

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Archive Section
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
 0.67  0.03          336        1 | /cgi-bin/imagemap/Show_Stats
50.67 66.33       688270       76 | /~mauro/Show/
 3.33  0.65         6725        5 | /~mauro/Show/Admin/
 0.67  1.27        13207        1 | /~mauro/Show/Admin/Apr.wwwstats.html
 0.67  1.37        14231        1 | /~mauro/Show/Admin/Dec.wwwstats.html
 0.67  1.16        12011        1 | /~mauro/Show/Admin/Feb.wwwstats.html
 0.67  1.28        13257        1 | /~mauro/Show/Admin/Jan.wwwstats.html
 0.67  1.05        10861        1 | /~mauro/Show/Admin/Jul.wwwstats.html
 0.67  1.24        12890        1 | /~mauro/Show/Admin/Jun.wwwstats.html
 0.67  1.29        13415        1 | /~mauro/Show/Admin/Mar.wwwstats.html
 0.67  1.70        17605        1 | /~mauro/Show/Admin/May.wwwstats.html
 0.67  1.67        17294        1 | /~mauro/Show/Admin/Nov.wwwstats.html
 0.67  1.53        15844        1 | /~mauro/Show/Admin/Oct.wwwstats.html
 0.67  1.47        15271        1 | /~mauro/Show/Admin/Sep.wwwstats.html
 2.00  2.18        22616        3 | /~mauro/Show/Admin/wwwstats_Show.html
 2.67  0.89         9280        4 | /~mauro/Show/awards.html
 9.33 10.90       113120       14 | /~mauro/Show/index_gr.html
 3.33  2.32        24080        5 | /~mauro/Show/old_ann.html
 6.67  0.56         5850       10 | Code 403 Forbidden Requests
14.00  1.11        11513       21 | Code 404 Not Found Requests

This summary was generated by wwwstat-1.0

This file was last modified on Thursday, 01-Sep-2011 03:00:03 CEST by Mauro Orlandini

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